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IBAM Fire Prevention Tips

Fire disasters can happen at anytime, both in the home or outside. Accidents and wildfire are two common fire-related incidences that can occur. It is important to be prepared in case of a fire by always practicing in fire-safe practices and making sure you have the right insurance coverage in place. Talk to your broker today to make sure you’re covered.

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Why is getting the right insurance important? 

In the event of a fire, it is extremely important that you have the right insurance coverage that covers all of your family's belongings. Getting advice from a professional insurance broker will help you choose the best policy for your lifestyle. Choosing an insurance policy that accommodates your needs and covers your possessions will help alleviate financial stress during unexpected events.

House Fire FAQs

 Does my home insurance policy cover for fire damage? posted on Jul 17, 2024
 What is covered in my home insurance policy? posted on Jul 17, 2024
 Does renters insurance cover fire protection? posted on Jul 17, 2024
 What do I do if I have a fire claim? posted on Jul 17, 2024
 Am I responsible for damage that happens to my neighbours? posted on Jul 17, 2024
 If I cannot live in my home after a fire, does my insurance cover that? posted on Jul 17, 2024

How to be Fire Safe

Help stay fire safe this summer! Check out some of our below tips on how to keep you and your family safe:

Fire Safety Tip #1: Create a fire escape plan

Create an emergency plan with your family to ensure that all family members know what to do in the event of a fire.  Your plan should include all possible exit routes from each room of your home as well as a safe place to meet if you are not at home or need to evacuate.

Fire Safety Tip #2: Install and monitor smoke alarms

Place smoke alarms on every level of your home, including inside and outside bedrooms. Test smoke alarms once a month. Change the batteries at least once a year - if your model requires it.

Home Depot has great tips and step-by-step instructions on how to install different types of smoke detectors in your home. Read more about it here

Fire Safety Tip #3: Make sure to properly extinguish candles, and don’t leave the stove unattended

Did you know?: the most common causes of house fires are cooking (leaving the stove unattended), improperly extinguishing cigarettes and leaving candles unattended. Ensure you do not leave stoves or candles unattended. Keep flammable items at least one metre away from heat sources and unplug items when they are not being used.

Fire Safety Tip #4: Talk to your family about fire safety

Talk to children about the dangers of fire and keep lighters and matches out of reach. Make sure everyone knows where the fire extinguishers are kept. Learn fire safety techniques and teach them to your family regularly. Make sure everyone is familiar with the technique “STOP, DROP, AND ROLL” in case clothing catches on fire.

Fire Safety Tip #5: Keep an eye out for sparks

While enjoying the outdoors this summer, keep an eye out for sparks! Adopt a fire safe mindset and make sure to extinguish fire pits after a bonfire. Make sure to never leave your bonfire unattended. 

Fire Safety Tip #6: Take action

Whenever you suspect a fire, call 911.  Often a person assumes that someone else has called and they do not call themselves which can result in precious minutes lost by the fire department’s delay.

Source: Get Prepared 

Information provided by: Canadian Red Cross and Stay Safe.

For more information on what fire coverage is available to you or to purchase insurance on your property, please speak with your local independent insurance broker.  Your broker will discuss your insurance requirements and work with you to find an insurance company that best fits your needs.  A list of brokerages can be found here.


Note: The information contained on this page is for informational purposes only. IBAM is not responsible for the use of these fire safety tips. In the event of a fire, please contact your local fire department.